COVID Spring Booster update

We will not be offering Spring booster vaccines at our Practice. More info here about how to book if you are eligible

17000 COVID Vaccines given

As we enter 2022, we are drawing our vaccinating activity to a close. We have given 17,000 doses of vaccine to eligible patients. This has been a huge task while trying to run a near-normal service throughout the pandemic.

Not only has demand for boosters started to tail off but it is important that we return to some of the activity we had to put on hold during the last 2 years. Our team have given up weekends, evenings and days off to allow us to deliver the COVID and flu vaccines and we feel strongly that they deserve a well-earned break and time with their friends and family before the flu vaccine initiative in Autumn 2022. 

Thank you to our volunteers

We would like to give a special mention to our wonderful volunteers. They have been giving up their time to help with the vaccine programme for over 2 years. Always with a smile, even when on car park duty in the cold rain, this core team of people have been key to making our clinics a success.

They have been efficiently coordinated by Nikki Swann with help from Claire Rhodes at the Q1 Foundation in Goring. Each clinic has been sorted with a team of volunteers taking on a variety of roles, from check in and admin, to parking and crowd control.

We could not have done it without them all.

Thanks to their help, 17,000 doses have been given to protect us all – community spirit in action.

Although the clapping on doorsteps has faded, we hope you will join us in saying a huge THANK YOU to them all. COVID may not have gone but the vaccine programme has helped lessen the scale and severity of the pandemic.